Monday, January 29, 2007

Triumph over Insects

For the past three days there has been a cricket living in my closet. I t escaped death at the hands of the gecko living accross the hall and sought refuge inside my domain. The foul squatter would chirp incessantly and at night made bold strides into my property, even coming so close as to crest the ridge of my comforter and stare me in the eye as I lay in a half sleep.

Well today the battle is over. I cornered him behind my desk and crushed him with an empty box of candy. However, I was very certain this would not be enough, and so I dragged his supposed corpse into the middle of my room and quartered it with a knife. I then placed the four pieces at each corner of my room. A warning to those foul Insects never again to traverse my holy lands!


Andy Cantor said...


You are a strange person...

Peter said...

You are strong in the ways of making examples of insects.

You have a gecko living across the hall? All we have in our house are a couple of dogs. Boring!

Andy Cantor said...

I had a gecko once... Our cat ate it.

Lilith said...

Oh dear...
I, too, have triumphed over insects in my room. I was at war with the ants, day in, day out for many weeks. I watched them crawl in a thick line up, seemingly to nowhere, taunting me. But then I followed their path...

...and found the open bag of Oreos. :)
A ferrocious battle raged for many minutes, while I decimated the lot of them with a quick swipe of a sponge. I pranced to the bathroom as I sqealed like a little girl that the ants were crawling on me. I washed their putrid bodies down the sink. The great war had ended.